2021 In Review

Resident Services Deliver Food Boxes
2021 In Review
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With your help, by donating and partnering in the work we do at CPAH, these...
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West Portland Town Center Plan
The West Portland Town Center Plan
For the last four years, CPAH has been deeply engaged in the SW Portland planning...
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HomeWord Bound 2021
HomeWord Bound 2021 Success!
Thank YOU to everyone who joined us for HomeWord Bound 2021 This year's virtual HomeWord...
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HomeWord Bound 2021
A Word From Our HomeWord Bound Sponsors
A word from some of our 2021 HomeWord Bound Sponsors! Our Sponsors put meaning to...
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Grand Opening Speakers
2020 In Review
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Tumultuous. Enlightening. Overwhelming. Frightening. Intense. Angry. Tender. Imbued with Gratitude. Filled with Smoke. Sad. Resilient....
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Dandelion seeds in the wind
Early Fall Updates from CPAH
As we enter fall, we know this is such a hard time for many. A...
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SW Corridor Equitable Development
Equity in the SW Corridor
As part of our commitment to equity, CPAH is proud to be part of the...
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Believe in Freedom Sign
Honoring Juneteenth by Raising Awareness
CPAH honors this day of Juneteenth which marks the end of the last holdout of...
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Just Do Something
The Economic Impact of the Pandemic
I had the opportunity this week to listen in on a “breakfast meeting” hosted by...
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Black Lives Matter Sign
The Intersection of Housing, Health and Race
When reading a book with my kids, I tend to read ahead. I did it...
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