Oleson Woods
Located at 9140 SW 91st Avenue, Tigard OR 97223
Oleson Woods Apartments is a 32-unit affordable housing community that is a model for creating a supportive environment where residents and natural systems can thrive.
For residents, Oleson Woods offers stable housing at low rents, services from CPAH and partner agencies, ideal transit access, and close proximity to jobs. For the natural environment, Oleson Woods has significant natural resources on-site—a preserved and protected wetland on the property, a wildlife habitat, and a tree canopy of more than a dozen trees.
CPAH uses green building and sustainability practices in its buildings, and Oleson Woods has a number of durable, environmentally sound, and energy-efficient features. Oleson Woods also has a 1,500-square-foot community center with a small manager’s office, meeting room, kitchen, bathrooms, coin-operated laundry, and storage. Site amenities include a play structure, a half-court basketball area, and a walking trail loop with benches.
- Oleson Woods
- 9140 SW 91st Ave.
- Income Property Management
- 503.245.6990
- olesonwoods@ipmco.com