Thank YOU to everyone who joined us for
HomeWord Bound 2021
This year’s virtual HomeWord Bound was a success! Thanks to everyone who partnered with us, we raised nearly $110,000!! While we would have loved to be together in person, we are grateful that we were still able to gather, connect in the chat, and share in this very special HomeWord Bound.
Thank you to Cheryl Strayed, Anis Mojgani, Willy Vlautin, and Bart King for being our featured authors! We are deeply grateful for your support. We also want to thank Misty Marquam with Marquam Auction Agency and Julianne Johnson, Professor and Director of Music at PCC for hosting the evening.
Catch the Replay!
Julianne Johnson sings tribute song to Doug Plambeck

Hosts Misty Marquam and Julianne Johnson