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CPAH’s growing community includes eleven apartment communities with over 500 homes plus six single-family homes.
CPAH provides a range of services to support and strengthen our residents and communities.
Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH) is dedicated to building quality affordable housing with services and programs for the people who call our properties home. We have been part of the local response to this growing need for nearly 30 years.
Plambeck Gardens – Tualatin
Named in honor of Doug Plambeck, a founding CPAH board member and affordable housing advocate who lost a battle with cancer in March of 2020. CPAH received funding from Washington County Affordable Housing Bond to build 116 units in Tualatin, on 4.66 acres of land purchased in 2020.
Woodland Hearth – Tigard
Woodland Hearth is designed in response to feedback gathered during extensive community engagement along the SW Transportation corridor: a growing need for large family units. The design, therefore, is based on the premise of providing families and their children a place to call home. It provides opportunities for both younger and older children to play alongside a space to grow food and includes a connection with nature. The 63-unit community will include 19 three-bedroom and five four-bedroom units to accommodate multiple family types and living arrangements.
Jamii Court – Portland
This redevelopment will turn the Portland Value Inn site into a 98-unit multifamily rental development serving families. 58 apartment homes will have at least two bedrooms, and 39 will be affordable to households with incomes at 30% area median income or below. The community will include homes for 15 families with a head of household with a disabling condition who are exiting long-term, homelessness. CPAH and HAKI Community Services will offer resident services, HAKI will lead outreach efforts, and Urban League will provide case management and Supportive Housing services.
Meadowlark Place – Beaverton
The proposed senior site redevelopment is a 6-story podium-style building with a brick facade that will provide 104 homes for seniors, consisting of 96 1-bedroom units and 8 studios. It will include a community-focused ground floor commercial, a spacious community room with a kitchen and lending library, on-site resident services, flexible outdoor space adjacent to the community room, and a community garden.
Oleson Woods – Tigard
With Preservation Pool funding from Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS), CPAH will rehabilitate Oleson Woods, including restoration of the wetlands on the property with the help of the Homebuilders Foundation, to ensure the housing is available to residents into the future.
CPAH staff focuses on connecting residents with housing stabilization services to keep them safe in their housing and avoid evictions whenever possible.
Resident services staff coordinate community-building activities at each of CPAH’s housing sites. Bringing residents together, providing community space, and supporting a broader network are some of the ways CPAH supports our residents and the community.
Supporting families is a long tradition at CPAH. We provide youth programming, events, and summer programming. In addition, we provide annual backpacks/school supplies and winter coat drives to children/youth living at our properties.
CPAH started our Resident Advisory Committee (RAC) in 2017. Our RAC represents resident voices, in addition to creating leadership opportunities for residents. The goal of the RAC is to support residents in coordinating building activities and to set service priorities.
CPAH’s Thriving in Place Program aims to help residents aged 55 and older live independently as long as possible.
CPAH provides permanent supportive housing (PSH) for residents who are housed as well as supportive housing services for people who are houseless and looking for homes.
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